Wednesday, October 3, 2012

DARAJA LIVE~~~ ON OPTIMO RADIO>>>myblockplaya/southsidesmokeshop~


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Racks on Rack!!! New Product @Southsidesmkshp!!!

southsidesmokeshop's Racks On Racks album on Photobucket

Uemcee Interview w/ Daraja Hakizimana(myblockplaya+SouthsideSmokeShop~)

Hit the link For Full Article:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

NEWSMOKE!!!!! >>myblockplaya+SouthSideSmokeShop

Daraja Hakizimana of My Block Recordz (myblockplaya) and Devin The Dude's group The Coughee Brothaz has teamed up with the SouthsideSmokeShop crew for this summer in making some NEW MUSIC and bringing some NEW DEVELOPMENTS to the table for 2012
So be on tha lookout :)